So I just had to leave a little note to tell everyone that I am for sure going to Russia!!!!!!! I made it into the program and now have to go through a bunch of paperwork, physicals, and stuff like that and then I am on my way! I will be there from mid-August to mid-December (home by Christmas). I will teach children English about four hours a day and then have the rest of the time to do what I want. I will also get to live with a host family so I will get to be totally immersed into the culture.
I talked to my representative and she told me that since Russia is so close to Europe and all of those countries, I will be able to go to places like Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Ukraine, and a whole bunch of other places! My passport is going to look so cool!!! She also told me that I can go to church in a Russian branch in St. Petersburg and have the missionaries translate for me and that I can also have my records transferred over and get a calling! How cool is that!! Oh gosh I am just so excited!
I will keep you all posted


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