"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's the Weekend!

Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days but there really hasn't been much to post; I have just been teaching and that's not so exciting. This weekend will be good though because we are going to the Hermitage and who knows what else. Here's a few pictures to keep you going:

9/8 - The kids at my other kindergarten - they are the most wonderful children!! (Anja, Lylitta, Igor, Meesha, and Grisha)

9/9 - Random picture but this is the wallpaper in my bedroom. It's puffy and makes me laugh!

9/10 - The boy is Bogdan. I need to get a better picture of him because he is already famous for being a lady's man. SUPER cute and always comes up and kisses our hands!

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