At Mom's request, here's another update. I guess it's been a while and the best way for me to catch you up is to do it with pictures.
9/12 - What an absolutely gorgeous morning! What a great way to welcome a glorious fall day!
9/13 - This is Marsha my host "sister." She's six and very cute!
9/14 - Sarah and I were walking to school the other morning and heard a cat meowing. We couldn't figure it out but finally found this cat in a tree. I was totally surprised because who knew that actually happened in real life!! We didn't know the number of the fire department (and would have felt rather silly calling them as 20-year-olds) so we just left and decided if it was still there when we walked past again, Sarah would climb up and get it :)

9/15 - Okay so I know I've blogged about Bogden before but I just can't help it. He's just so stinkin cute. He's such a ladies man and we all love him!! Just imagine his face constantly puckered to come kiss you. It's too funny!
9/16 - This is the mask I made for drama that scared all of the kids. I think it got scarier throughout the week with it getting more and more ragged.
9/17 - We went to some random makeshift amusement park. I had to get a picture with Yoda of course :)
Thank you. It made my morning.