I am so sorry for being so incredibly behind. I truly didn't notice until yesterday that we are already halfway through October. Where has the time gone?!?!?!
9/30 - Yes another Bogdan picture. I just can't help it. This kid is too cute to be true. He likes the tall chair and everytime I told him to sit up for a picture, his eyes would get bigger as well. This was the end result :)

10/1 - Our new Institute friends! We met them that night and they invited us out to a sushi bar. They were so much fun and it was so nice to get out!

10/2 - We went to a palace called Pavlovsk (or something like that) and this was the private garden. Kailin and I thought it was appropriate to be drinking tea in it!
10/3 - The two girls on the top left and the second one in from the left on the bottom are from ILP in Moscow and came up to visit for the weekend. They were super cute and didn't want to go home. This was right after watching the first session of conference.

10/4 - The never-ending escalator down to the metro. You truly can't see the bottom from the top. We timed it once and it takes 2:50 minutes to ride. That's quite a while!

10/5 - Ok so this picture wasn't actually taken on this date but I know I was with these two lovely ladies this day and I just love this picture. This is Kailin, Kelsey, and I. I can't get enough of them!!
10/6 - Sarah and I had a morning off and decided to hit up the Hermitage since it's free for us and she hadn't gone yet. I was so excited to find there was a Rembrandt room and that this painting was in it. I love this painting. It's called "The Return of the Prodigal Son."
10/7 - Relay races in class where we had balloons in our legs and ran around a cone. Jengish was hilarious because the balloon was about the same size as the space between his legs!
10/8 - Moscow! We made it! This is behind Red Square with St. Basil's on the right and the Kremlin on the left.
10/9 - The crazy market in Moscow where you can get things for really cheap by bartering. I had never done it before but let me tell you, it gets a little addicting!
10/10 - The pearls I bought at the market. I bought them for someone else but I am trying to convince myself that it's alright to keep them considering it's one of my biggest dreams to own pearls.

10/11 - I didn't have a picture for this day but we started watching Fiddler on the Roof for FHE which I have never seen before. It's taking a few sessions to watch it since it's long but I am enjoying it so far
10/12 - St. Petersburg... where even torn down old buildings can be beautiful
10/13 - On of my students, Meesha, gave me this as a present. It's a branch. It was sweet, right? :)
Wow! I am all caught up! Sorry I took a little break there. It's just been so busy lately with traveling and getting so many things ready for the rest of the semester. Please forgive me. I will try to do better!
Lisa, you rock! I love you, I love your blog, I love what you're doing and I love where you're going. Keep these awesome posts comin'!