So even though my bedtime that I set for myself (11:00) is in five minutes, if I don't write this now, it will never happen. So my mom called me today and requested what I should write for my next blog - about my last Friday night. It was quite eventful! I have to explain first something that has been going on for about a week or two now. There was a concert the other night for William Joseph, some sort of pianist. Well the school put up posters for it and me and Christine think he is really cute!

We decided that we needed to steal one of his posters for our room. So since I work early morning custodial, I stole one on Friday morning and brought it home and hung it up on the wall. Ok now fast forward to that night. BYU-I has an International Cinema that plays a movie every couple weeks. The movie playing on Friday was called "Paradise Now" and was about two friends who live in Israel and are called to be suicide bombers. It started out in subtitles which we thought were lame but we ended up getting really into it (highly recommend it!) and have decided to go to the next one which is about Ghandi.

So we stayed there until about 9:30 because there was a discussion about it afterwards. We decided to leave when they started talking about stuff we didn't understand. We headed out and had decided right before we left for the movie to go steal a bunch of the William Joseph posters - one wasn't enough! So we started in the Spori building and only got one there then we headed out for the Smith building because Christine has classes there and had seen some. He managed to steal a few there but headed up to the Hinckley next. It turns out that they don't put any posters up in that building. Who knew! Since we were already up at the top of campus, we decided to try the Ricks even though there are normally a lot of people there. Jackpot!!!! We probably got 10 posters in that one building!

Then we took some pictures of us to remember our night:

Next was to the Benson building. Another goldmine!!! We decided that was enough for the night considering it was around 10:15 and we had a ton to carry! As we were heading home, I had a brilliant idea. We were already on campus at night so no one would see us and it's been my dream since I first saw it. We went and rolled down the hill between the Taylor and MC buildings!! This hill has three parts to it and it's pretty steep so it looks super fun. BEST HILL EVER!!!! Me and Christine went flying down it and just the laughed the whole way! We did it twice and decided that we need to take Natalia there another time.

Since no one was on campus, I also decided to do a cartwheel in the middle of the parking lot just because it sounded fun:

Yeah I don't really know how I did that! Time for home after that one and time to count up the posters. We ended up with........ 25 posters!!!!! We then took a few pictures with them and hung them up on our walls! We now have lovely wallpaper on some of our walls!

And there's the final product of our theivery! Looks pretty awesome in my opinion! We ended the night with an ice cream trip to Albertsons because no where else is open past 11:00 in Rexburg! Well, that's all for now because it's now 11:30 and I have to get up at 3:30 for work. I only got about 4.5 hours of sleep total last night including the nap after work so I think I should go to bed now! I hope this is good for you Mom and that everyone else enjoyed my crime story! Everytime I call my mom now she answers the phone asking me if I am in jail yet! :)
Lol Lisa you're so Funny!! Sounds like a fun night!!
ReplyDeleteDoes my son know about your criminal past. . . er present? I once stole the letter R from a sign. I was just thinking about that and wondered where that letter had gotten to. Hmmm. Boy, those were the days! Where were the posters of cute guys then?