Well it's time to do one of these again. I'm back at home again for the month of August working at Mallard Landing again until I go back for school on August 10. I am super excited for this semester! Last semester was fun on a social level but this semester is going to be fun because of my classes (and the roommates are also going to be great!). My schedule includes College Algebra, Natural Disasters, Medical Terminology, Book of Mormon, Anatomy/Physiology, and an online computer basics class (kind of irronic!). I am finally at the point in my education where my learning is becoming more specialized and I am officially looking for other schools I can go to do my radiology program! Top choice is Portland Community College but I will go wherever accepts me. Stressful!!
Christine came home with me when the summer semester ended and she spent about a week and a half here! We had fun going to the beach, Ikea, Lewisville Park, and anywhere else we could go. Her and Matthew also attacked my car twice while I was at work. The first time I actually saw them do it but the second time, they had Tim drive my car around to the back lot and they filled it with balloons and seran wrapped it with six rolls of wrap! I didn't catch them that time! It was lots of fun having her here and I can't wait to see her in another couple weeks!
Hmm... what else? Tim is leaving on his mission to Michigan on September 16!! I am so proud of him and his desire to go! I am going to miss him SOOO much but it's definitely worth it! :)

This picture is from Prom a year and a half ago but I still like it!
Oh! So I remember a story that I should tell because it's pretty funny and everyone seems to like to hear it. So we decided to take a trip to the beach with the girls - Mom, us three girls, and Christine. We were having a good day with perfect weather! We decided to head back to the car which was a few blocks away near the beach and we could make it there by going on the boardwalk. We hit a fork in the road and decided to go right on a little shortcut. There was a manhole in the middle of nowhere on the path and I stepped on it without thinking because everyone has done that. It turns out that it wasn't secure and I fell in!! I actually just had my legs in it but everyone turned around and started laughing! I asked them to help me out but my mom just started yelling, "Get the camera!!" as I am yelling, "No Mom! It hurts really bad! Help me out!!" As I began crying, they helped me out. I got a really bad bruise on my leg and a scratch on my knee but it's all ok - I am going to have a scar from it!
This definitely isn't the worst it got. The darkest pictures are actually on Christine's camera
so I don't have them right now. Oh and no my leg isn't dirty - that's what it looked like (bruised
all along the front!)
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