So there's only about two weeks of school left and I really should be doing homework but for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I actually have a hold on it and can write on here. So what's happened in the last couple weeks - quite a lot but it just goes by so fast that I can't ever remember.
To start, (sorry it's a downer) my FHE brother, Lance Jensen, died on June 23. He drowned in the Snake River while swimming with his fiancee. (I told you it was sad!) The thing is, after much crying between Christine and I on the 23rd, we felt like it really was his time to go and that we are really proud to have known him. We spent that night walking around Rexburg talking about the good times we had with him and we went to Applebees and spent $19 each! We didn't care about money at that point and I am pretty sure he is still laughing at us about that one! That following Saturday we went to his viewing and funeral with his roommates. It was an excellent day and everything went perfectly. It was one of those happy funerals where people just reminisce about the good old days. Then there was the grave dedication where he was placed on a hill in the sun with a golf course right next to it. He loved golf and we used to make fun of him for his tan lines so it was great! We all left that day feeling like we wanted to be just like him for all of the service he performed and the love he had for others. One thing I will never forget about him was one day on our way to class (we had Herioc Journey together), he was walking with some friends and saw a girl struggling to put a poster up. He stopped walking and helped her out even though he was almost late to class. It was just a simple thing but it made me think that I should be looking for things like that to do. Lance will be missed but we all know he is doing a greater work now. We all have been saying that he needed to go so that he could teach Michael Jackson!!

Hmm so what's next? Oh yeah, Tim got his mission call!!! Everyone knows that by now but I have to tell my story of when he called me. So I called him on Monday thinking he would be home by then from his vacation and he answered his phone and started speaking Spanish. I freaked out thinking he was going somewhere Spanish speaking which is what he wanted but after a few minutes of confusing conversation, he told me that he was still in Provo. I told him to call me the next day. I waited all day for him and at about 9:00 that night, I was at Taco Bell with Christine and Natalia and he called. I picked up the phone and immediately asked where he was going. He sounded excited and told me to guess. Ok so I started guessing random countries then asked stateside or foreign. He said stateside and had me keep guessing. That butt had me guessing for a good two minutes!!! FINALLY, he told me Michigan and that he's leaving September 15! I am so excited for him and can't wait to see him in two weeks!

Well I have more to post but Christine is going to teach me how to drive stick shift now so that I can surprise my dad when I get home in two weeks. Keep it a secret!! :)
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