So I forgot to say a couple things in my last post and I was too lazy to just edit the other one so this is actually a continuation of the post I did like two minutes ago. I forgot to say that about two weeks ago we go to go to a devotional by President Eyring! It was amazing! He talked all about how this campus and the temple are united in purpose and should be taken advantage of by the students. Here are a few pictures from it of Christine, me, and two of our FHE brothers, Josh and Mike. Oh and of course, President Eyring!
Of course we needed a picture of us two! Classic!
Me and Mike
Christine and Mike
Me, Josh, and Christine
This is about how far away I was from him. Granted my camera is fully zoomed in! I really could see him even though you can't tell from this picture.
Here's the screen so people will believe me :)
Some other exciting news - Tim came and visited me in Rexburg!!! He got here Monday night around 10:00 with his sister Jessica. Once they got here, Adam Nielson came over and then us four went to his apartment to sort of watch movies. We were all really tired. So at around 12:30, we decided to go to bed; Tim at Adam's and Jessica at my apartment. The next morning, Tim came over around 7:00 (making me get up! jk! I was ok with seeing him!) and then us four, along with Kaitlin New and Christine headed over the JB's for breakfast. They ended up staying until around three then they had to get to their grandma's and I had to get to class. So I only have two pictures and they are really lame. I just took them on my phone.

Tim decided to play the guitar for everyone. My roommates loved him!! They thought he was so nice and so sweet. And Christine wants me to marry him!

I told you these were kind of lame pictures. Sorry!
These are the cans of pop Tim left for me after I left for class. It's our joke that we are both going to the terrestrial kingdom because we drink caffinated pop but at least we will both be there! When I got up here, I called him and told him that he needed to bring me some pop because I was in Rexburg and there wasn't any. Two and a half months later and he still remembered! It's really cute to me! It's like getting flowers! :D
Well, I think I have stalled long enough and now have to get to homework :S
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