So even though there has been horrible weather here, monsoons, thunder, and lightning, we have still been able to find some fun things to do around here. For example, I have learned to love water polo and ultimate frisbee! Our FHE brothers have a pool at their apartment and invite us over 1-2 times a week to play water polo or water volleyball. For those of you that haven't tried it yet, it's a must! Really hard but so much fun!

Then there's ultimate frisbee - my new love! It's soccer but with a frisbee and we also play it with my FHE brothers (they are the best!). This last week we played a totally intense full-on tackle game that left us all bruised and sore. The day after, I talked to a lot of the people that played and it didn't matter how in shape you were, that game left you wanting to die because you were so sore! Worth it though.

The reason for that night wasn't actually to play ultimate. Our apartment and the boys decided to have a huge group date because my roommate, Heather, had never been on a date so we set her up with the bishop's first counselor's son, Ethan. Here are the before pictures because since her mom wasn't there, we all felt like we needed to take pictures. It's a must for a first date!
Her first date! How cute! We did her makeup and chose her outfit
We had to test out the timer on Christine's camera - so we decided dancing would produce the best shot! You have to know that we were also creating the music along with dancing to it!
Classic group shot before we headed over to the boy's apartment
Just about all of the girls that were there. The boys were cooking the hamburgers on the BBQ at this point and we were just waiting for it to all get set up
My favorite shot of them all! Best friends FOREVER!!!!!
Overall, it was a really successful night. We ate good, went to the ward softball game, the ultimate. Oh and just in case you were wondering, Heather got a ride home from Ethan (while the rest of us walked!) and they exchanged numbers. Very successful!
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